Monday, December 22, 2008

Staying Put...

The temperature dropped a the 50's. I know, I know..I'm sorry to rub it in for those of you back in WI. But, I don't have a hat for Lily and it's windy,too. I bought a hat for myself yesterday, not because of the cold, but it was funky. I thought maybe she would wear it. She tolerated it for a little while and then really didn't want her picture taken with it. She was much more interested in her shoes..

We'll probably go out for a walk, as long as she will keep her hat on! She is taking a nap now, after a long tantrum. She wore herself out.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your experience and the photos of your beautiful Lily! Sending love from Kansas, where I am with my family for Christmas. XOXO

Anonymous said...

Susan & David,

I am sitting here at work trying not to cry as I look at your beautiful daughter and read your touching posts. I am so thrilled for you both and can't wait for our Lilly to meet your Lily!!!! It looks like they're similar in age? Have a safe trip back-- or maybe you're already home?

XOXO Heather, Sam & Lil